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A little more about me

I wasn't always a health and fitness junky. My career started in Human Resources and I was climbing the corporate ladder. But then I had my second child and it seemed like my world was flipped upside down. I struggled with postpartum anxiety and still continued to push myself until I reached the point of extreme exhaustion. I felt like everything was out of control, no matter how much I controlled everything. 


I was completely out of tune with my own body. Things needed to change, so I quit my job and researched holistic approaches and methods to help me feel better. I had my head in books and ears in podcasts for months. I started to journal and discovered this was my path to healing. Journaling became a powerful tool for me. 


I educated myself on exercise which changed they way I perceived exercise. I fell in love with moving my body for the right reasons, and found a way that worked for me. I got a few certifications and began teaching others how to move their bodies too. 


Becoming a mother changes everything. I want to support mothers during the postnatal phase because I understand how challenging it can be. 


I could say that I wished I knew what I know now, but I could also say that I am grateful for the experience and where it has led me, because now I feel better than ever. 


So here is Mother Health Coach. A complied creation of my favorite journal prompts, topics, and exercises for Mothers. 

This program is my heart <3


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